Sunday, November 26, 2023

We are the Disciples of Jesus Christ

Whoever would come after Me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me you will find true life. Matt 16:24-25. 

We are the disciples of Jesus.  We do not give up our lives as the radicals do, spreading death and destruction. But our Lord commands that we LIVE each day in the body, putting Jesus first and loving the world as He does.  We lay down our own needs and wants daily.  

We bring true life to all of you our neighbors. We carry the Light and the heart of God to you.  We bring His true message of Salvation (which may taste bitter at first, but once ingested is LIFE and healing to every soul). 

We stand strong for what our Lord says is good, and stand strong against what our Lord says is evil.  We are often the victims of ridicule, mockery, violence and in many countries, death. Yet we live our lives by the Power of His Love. We do not compromise. We always protect, always trust, always hope and ALWAYS PERSEVERE! 

We take you by the hand and lead you to the One who is over all - the only creator and source of Life and the Only One who conquered Death. He is the ONLY ANSWER. HE WILL NOT EVER FAIL. He is JESUS the Messiah - who takes away the sins of the world.

Lord you have given me a song; you have given me chance 

To lift my head and sing for YOU in every circumstance


Wednesday, March 2, 2022


Definition: to seize, catch up, snatch away

harpázō – properly, seize by force; snatch up, suddenly and decisively; to take by an open display of force (i.e. not covertly or secretly).

See 1Thess 4:16-17

Why with such force? If we picture during the tribulation: The incredible increase of evil in the second heaven, where satan operates. It is no wonder that the Lord will  take possession of His own - snatch us up to the third Heaven - with such great force.

The word was described by one native Greek speaker as a term you would use as if snatching a child from the path of an oncoming car: in other words: to be snatched up from the path of great and life threatening danger. Which is why I believe we must face tribulation, to some degree (John 16:33) so that we can be snatched from it. We cannot escape it. 

The Lord is so good…He wants as many of us to be ready and willing to be “snatched away”…so He will increase the pressure upon us in the earth, and the unleashing of evil…to help us make that decision…because He is merciful.

Why do we think we will be caught up to Heaven, when we love, work and even fight so hard for things of this world?

We send our kids to college, to find the American dream…and they find atheism and materialism, and all of a sudden, the Masonic system that has usurped the nation’s Godly foundation established in 1620, has now usurped the throne of their hearts. We send our kids into the education system only to lose them. This is why we are being shaken. Our Salvation will depend on it! We should be crying out for this. 

That the Lord would squeeze us like an olive in an olive press…for the sake of our kids…our little ones. For the sake of the loved ones we sent to college, only to lose them  to the humanistic/atheistic pyramid of the anti-christ order.

It will continue to get worse on this earth…but the Lord has promised to sustain us (Matthew 6:25-34) and to keep us from wrath (1Thess 5:9), and as more and more people scramble for answers not of this earth, what an amazing time to preach the Gospel…to go in - and out - as an army…with a bang! Harpatzo!

In some of the more charismatic mega churches, you will hear things like “today God is going to uncover your destiny”…or “God has a purpose and a destiny for your life”.

Lord help us realize that the rich reward of a  soul won for you, with sufferings and sacrifice…that the joy of a life laid down for friends and enemies, in the service of You, is our destiny. He who wants to save his life will lose it…but the one who loses their life for you, will gain REAL LIFE eternally. 

Lord, change our perspective…change our hearts!…that the pressure and squeezing upon the Land IS Your mercy…because You love us and want to show your glory through our lives laid down - You want us to look like You. This is the reason for the shaking of the nations of the earth.

#mayflowercovenant #2Chronicles714 #WatchmanOnTheWall

 Pray for Ukraine 🇺🇦 Pray for Russia 🇷🇺 

God will bring Repentance…Revelation (of Jesus Christ)…and Revival…to every nation (See Revelation 7:11-27). 

In order to do  this He will first shake every nation to its foundation…none will be excluded. 

Therefore we as the Body of Christ, must first and foremost see ourselves, not as citizens of these nations - but as citizens of Heaven. 

We must be separate! Our identity must be placed under the Blood of Yeshua - hidden with Him in God…covered from judgment, by MERCY. (Ex 12:13)

In the midst of a dark world, we are called by the Lord to walk in the Light …

To see things through His eyes - through the lens of the Scriptures.…

and to be rooted and grounded upon them. 

This current situation is not WWIII - not yet…neither is it a war between Capitalism and Communism. This is about the Gospel! Salvation is all that matters!

And the Lord will pour out His Spirit on both the people of Russia and Ukraine. There will be an outpouring of revival upon both nations. 

We must never look at Russia (or any other nation) as the enemy: We are the Body of Christ! - Satan is the enemy! 

(Ephesians 6:10-12)

Vision - 02/26/22

The Lord was pouring out His Spirt upon Russia - in a big way. The same thing was happening with Ukraine. There are two armies at war: but I saw in the Spirit, two armies of believers rising up: one in Russia - one in Ukraine. I saw the prayers of Saints from both nations also rise up…and stretch over the Russian-Ukrainian border…to create a strong bond of unity in the Spirit between Believers in the two nations: They may not ever meet one another in the natural…But in the Spirit, through the unified Body of Christ, they are one! 

At war in the natural…but unified and alive in Christ in the spiritual. And this outpouring began to spread…

Who apart from the Lord, knows how this will end - or when? But we know the One who will ultimately bring an end to all war and evil. (Psalm 46)

Time is running out…And more then ever before, as Christians, we are now called to pray - to fight - not against flesh and blood, but to wage war in the Spirit against the REAL ENEMY of the human soul: (We all know who that is…and it is not the leaders of Russia or China!). We must not allow what is happening in the natural to DISTRACT us from who we are called to be and what we are called to do...

Pray for Ukraine 🇺🇦 Pray for Russia 🇷🇺 Pray for Salvation! Preach the Gospel! 

Matthew 24:6-8 

Ephesians 2:19 & 6:10-12

Colossians 3:1-4


#PrayforUkraine #PrayForRussia #armyofthelord #ArmorOfGod

Monday, February 21, 2022

 America - Through suffering to Glory…!


I saw A holy fire…the Glory of The Lord over the Heartland. It extended up the middle of the nation from south to north, between the two great mountain ranges on the east and west. I remember seeing Texas and Louisiana, and as far north as upper Indiana…it began to touch  the Lake Michigan area - It reached to the outskirts of Chicago…I began to cry out for Chicago! There were children by the masses running toward Jesus - into the Kingdom. And many men - some apathetic, some back-slidden, and some just plain unbelieving, were having “Saul of Tarsus” like encounters with the Lord, on the road to destruction. I saw these men turn 180 degrees back Jesus Christ.

At the same time, something had erupted in the New England States. Wells - geysers of living water, in response to I believe, centuries of prayer: I saw Connecticut, but I know it was all over New England. And infiltrating New York. I saw that these wellsprings of Life were breaking chains…religious chains, off of people in New England. I became aware of the prayers of the Saints…and as I began to prophesy alongside them, I saw  the idol/goddess that held dominion over New England, begin to fall: I knew it was the religion of Roman Catholicism. As people were drawn to these massive well-springs, their chains and yolks were broken and they began to drink freely. This became a full-scale revival! (Isaiah 12:3-5)

I saw this revival fire spread like lightning across America…and in the Heartland, Standards had been raised up (Is.59:19)…prominent among these was the Standard of God’s divine order of marriage and the Family…And I felt the Lord tell me “You do not yet know or recognize the true “Face” of the USA…It is not in the high and lofty monuments of Washington DC…”

Then I saw in the Spirit, a humble, broken*** face…a face that was SET LIKE FLINT upon the Lord…just as in the year 1620, a remnant of faithful believers waded through the fires of oppression in “Old England”, to find sanctuary on the shores of what is now New England. Through these same fires of oppression, in the place of the greatest pressure, I believe God will remove the veil, and through His Church, America’s True Face will once more be seen (2Corinthians 3:18). This is both the Face - and the Foundation of this nation…and the Lord will return us there! 

***This face was not “broken” as if defeated or destroyed…but as a horse is broken to be fully used by its trainer, so the Church of America will be “broken” by the Lord. (Psalm 32:8-10)

I know I have said this before: I do not believe that this awakening will look the way some have imagined. It will not be an awakening of big names on big platforms in big arenas: This is not the true face of America…and certainly should not be the face of the Church! I keep seeing the olive press- the Gethsemane. This was pure, heart-wrenching REPENTANCE! Much of it going on in the midnight hour - unseen by the masses. And under pressure and hardship. Things will get very dark. (And as I think back to 1620 England, I see that the greatest moves of repentance have usually happened amidst the greatest oppression)

~~~I saw  what I thought to be an olive, being pressed and squeezed in between two hands…gently at first, then more and more intensely until I saw oil begin to come from the olive. I knew this was the Church. (Excerpt from 08/21/2021)~~~

How can we in America prepare? 

…By focusing, not on visible temporal things of this world, but the invisible, eternal things of the next; (We will never be ready for a revival through persecution - or to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, as long as we love the things of this world and hold on to them)

 (2Corinthians 4:16-18; 1Thess. 4:16-17)

So we must start seeing ourselves - and our nation - in a new Light: -

America is - and has been - a beacon of freedom to the nations of the world, for one purpose: 

For the preaching of the Gospel to the nations of the world. 

There is no other nation on the planet that has been blessed with such light and liberty:

We, the Church must begin to see our liberty like that…

And to use our liberty for that purpose, while there is still time…

So that when we (the Church) lose our liberty…we will be strong enough in our faith to stand firm…and after we have done everything else, to stand! (Ephesians 6:13)

Why are we being shaken?…Because it is time for us to awaken!🇺🇸


Saturday, February 12, 2022


~~~Excerpt from post: May 2021

Kim Clement: “The Lord’s just told me that “as you pray I will send back what has been isolated…There has been an isolation of inspiration. But now I will restore inspiration that will raise the dead…I will do unusual miracles…if you would just ask me…for tonight I will begin…with you…and your house!””

I’m sure many people saw different interpretations as to what had been “isolated”…I saw fathers.~~~

(Mal. 4:5-6)

But there will not be a full realization and release for these husbands/fathers into their place in God’s order, without we who are wives/mothers recognizing and embracing ours. So what in the Church, does that look like? -

“…but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening. (1Peter 3:4-6)

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. (Eph.5:22-23)

Can I as a woman (who is even married to a Godly man) do this in my own strength? I confess that often I can’t! There are times when, to my shame, I find this very hard. (because our culture - especially in some of the more charismatic churches - tells us to do the opposite!). This is why (like Paul) I must go to the Cross, and there die daily (1Cor. 15:31) - crucifying my flesh in the Body of Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:20), so that I may find Grace to walk in His Resurrection. Apart from Him, I can do nothing…

But I believe this is a key to revival. The Lord is not coming back fo an upside down Church: but for a Family - a Bride, fully adorned and right way up - in her right mind. I am praying that those of us women who call ourselves disciples of Jesus, everywhere will, by the Grace of God and the Power of His Name, receive and embrace this scripture. This is where real authority lies.

I believe I have seen an ecclesia that looks like an army…an army that looks like a Family…a Family that looks like a Bride.

We may not realize this: But there are so many in the world that may seem cynical and even hostile on the outside…but inside are groaning…longing…just waiting…for the Church to look - not like this world - but like The Church! (Romans 8:19,22) 

I believe the harder things become, the more we will be pressed into Christ - His death and resurrection (The deeper the darkness - the greater the Light) and when we begin to look - to function like this…that is when they will come!

What I saw and heard on Mt Carmel 2008, was the sound of the Bride: fathers/husbands taking their place…mothers/wives taking their place…the voices of grandparents, brothers , sisters and children…little children!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 In the final days The Cross of Jesus Christ will be lifted up high above the nations of the earth …so that every nation can see. The Light will shine in the darkness…and the darkness will not overcome it. The people who walk in darkness will see…they will see what they had never seen before…and hear what they had never heard. They will see this Light clearly because of the depth of the darkness that is coming on the earth. 

Isaiah 5:20.  The Lord is and will, remove the veil…clear away the fog… He will thoroughly expose darkness for what it is, so His Light can be seen for what it is (Gen 1:4);  He will thoroughly expose evil, for what it is…for a season…a specific time…so that His true Goodness can also be clearly seen…so that humanity can clearly choose; Life or death. Because He is  merciful (2Peter 3:9; Romans 2:4) 

“And many throughout the kingdoms of the Earth will run towards My Life - My Goodness, in this late our. You my people must Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer…You must be ready with the Gospel of peace…blessing those who persecute you: Bless and do not curse them. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Read Romans ch. 12)

“I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.” (Rev3:11). And  remember, whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”(Matthew 16:25).

The Earth is going to shake.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Scripture ref: Daniel ch. 3.  *Note vs. 23-27*

China: Communist totalitarian regime; extreme persecution of Christians; 

= 80M - 100M believers and rising

Indonesia: Theocratic Islamic regime; Extreme persecution of Christians;

= 33M believers and rising

Iran:  Theocratic Islamic regime; Extreme persecution of Christians 

= One million plus believers and rising

India: Hindu; Extreme persecution of Christians;

= 66M believers and rising 

The United States of America...?

I saw  what I thought to be an olive, being pressed and squeezed in between two hands…gently at first, then more and more intensely until I saw oil begin to come from the olive. I knew this was the Church.

Still more and more the olive was squeezed, almost to breaking point… And people began to scream - to shout - to cry out to the Lord…but these cries were different - cries like I had never heard before…these were cries that were coming up from a place of pressure.

As the cries reached Heaven, the Lord turned His Head…as if we had suddenly got His attention:

And the conversation I heard, went something like this:

The Lord: “Are you ready for me now?”

The cry from His People: “YES!”

It was from this place of weakness and brokenness that I saw the anointing oil was now flowing freely and unhindered from the Body of Christ…and it was also from this Place that the Bride of Christ began to emerge. The Place where we were, had now become a place of purity and holiness…an aroma of Life in the midst of the stench of death.

And The Lord gave me this scripture - 

“We are hard pressed on every side,but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-12

But…If we want revival, we must want the LORD more than anything else…more than our own lives, we must want Him.

#FollowingJesus #2chronicles714 #ArmyOfTheLord