Sunday, September 11, 2016

That amazing moment as a Christian when you not only realize who you are, but WHO's you are.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Fight – Fight, with weapons of love -
setting your sights on the One above;
Who’s Perfect Love casts out all fear;
Who’s perfect Grace draws the sinner near; 
                    Who breaketh the bow and snapeth the spear.                    
Who takes the sword out of my hand;
and shatters the hate like grains of sand.

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Create O Lord, a pure heart in me; 
          Bring salve for my eyes, that I can see what You see: 
    To embrace the ones that You adore –
For against such Love there is no law! 
    For a greater love none can ever know: 
That we lay down our lives – for friend or for foe. 
   Where do we do this? There’s only one place: 
     At the Cross, at the Cross, the birth place of Grace. 
   How do we do this? One Way – only One: 
Through Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.
"For better or for worse;                                                                                                       
         for richer or poorer;
               in sickness and in health;
                  in times of strength or weakness,
                           joy or sorrow,
                                    faith or doubt;
                                            humility or pride,                                                
                                                  freedom or bondage; 
                                                              light or darkness,

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I Love You My Bride;
I have Pledged Myself To you
I Am with you for the long haul - right to the end.
The warrior Bride of Christ: Immersed, saturated, 'roasted and toasted', baptized and 'deep fried' into the death of Christ, to be resurrected into His unbridled, selfless Love. Love is patient and kind: Love is also gutsy and courageous and does not consider herself - only Christ and what He values. Love carries no bondage nor oppression, but only desires to set the captive free. Love is a unifier, but also a divider, for she draws a clear line between good and evil. Those w...ho follow Love serve the One Lord and Master Jesus Christ, who is Love. Love considers nether size nor strength; she does not count the odds against her, nor fear the darkness for GOD IS LIGHT; in Him there is no darkness, nor shadow of turning. Love does not retreat in the face of evil, but presses on, in the knowledge that the God whom she serves has defeated all evil; She is driven by the heart's desire of Jesus Christ Himself. She is of one mind and heart with Him, only seeking to please Him. Love fears neither death nor the grave for Jesus Christ has conquered both. His perfect Love drives out all fear: His banner over His Bride is Love. The world would follow 'hate' but the Warrior Bride of Christ follows the King's banner of Love - her weapons of warfare are rooted in His Love. In the war between Love and hate, the Love of Jesus will ALWAYS win because His Love Never Fails.